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Script de converión un jil en un csv usaldo la Ñ como caracter de separación.
Este script convierte un fichero jil en un fichero csv usando Ñ como separación
Para ejecutarlo
Como el jil se puede crear en un sistema operativo y la conversión en otro. En mi caso lo que hago es crear el fichero csv, editarlo con un editor de texto y copiar y pegar el contenido en una hoja excel. Allí uso la caracteristica de convertir texto en columnas usando la Ñ.
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; # rc = 1 no jil files provided # rc = 2 not csv file provided # rc = 3 csv file already exists # Usage run script, open it locally in text editor and copy it to a excel # Check I got at least a parameter which should be the jil file if ( ! $ARGV[0] ) { print "No jil file provided!.\n"; print "I need 2 paramters. The first is the jil file and the second the csv file.\n"; print "Usage: perl jil2csv.v01.pl jilFile.jil csvFile.csv\n"; exit 1; } # Check csv file parameter is given if ( ! $ARGV[1] ) { print "No csv file provided!.\n"; print "I need 2 paramters. The first is the jil file and the second the csv file.\n"; print "Usage: perl jil2csv.v01.pl jilFile.jil csvFile.csv\n"; exit 2; } # Check csv file does not already existes on the file system if (-e $ARGV[1]) { print "The csv file already file exists\n"; print "Please use a new csv file.\n"; exit 3; } # Array character separator $" = "Ñ"; # jil file my $jilFileName = $ARGV[0]; # csv file my $reportCSV = "$ARGV[1]"; # header keeps as key the parameter name and as value the number it is discovered my %header; $header{ insert_job } = 0; $header{ job_type } = 1; # index is the number of the value discovered my $index = 2; # job keeps the job definition my @job; # flat to check first job in jil my $flagFirstJob = 1; ########################################################################### # Check if the character separator $Sv is used in the jil file ########################################################################### #print "######### check_sv\n"; open(my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $jilFileName) or die "Could not open file '$jilFileName' $!"; while ( my $line = <$fh> ) { chomp $line; if ( $line =~ m/$"/i ) { print qq(### Character $" already on $jilFileName, please chose another character ###\n); close $fh; exit 1; } } close $fh; ############ # Get header ############ #print "######### get_header\n"; open ($fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $jilFileName ) or die "Could not open $jilFileName $!"; $header{"insert_job"} = 0; $header{"job_type"} = 1; my $header_index = 2; while ( my $line = <$fh>) { chomp $line; if ( $line =~ m/( *)?(?
[^:]*):/ ) { # (? [^:]*) captures the key which is reference later as $+{PARAMETER} #print "$+{PARAMETER}\n"; if ( $+{PARAMETER} ne "insert_job" ) { if ( !exists $header{"$+{PARAMETER}"} ) { $header{"$+{PARAMETER}"} = $header_index; $header_index++; } } } } close $fh; ################# #sort header hash ################# #print "######### sort_headers\n"; sub hashValueAscendingNum { $header{$a} <=> $header{$b}; } my @sorted_header; foreach my $key (sort hashValueAscendingNum ( keys ( %header ))) { #print "$header{$key}: $key\n"; push @sorted_header, $key; } ############## # print_header ############## #print "######### print_header\n"; open(my $fh_csv, '>', "$reportCSV") or die "Could not open file '$reportCSV' $!"; $" = 'Ñ'; print $fh_csv "@sorted_header"; print $fh_csv "\n"; close $fh_csv; open ($fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $jilFileName ) or die "Could not open $jilFileName $!"; open(my $fh_csv, '>>', "$reportCSV") or die "Could not open file '$reportCSV' $!"; my $row = <$fh>; do { # remove while spaces $row =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # I do not process empty lines unless ( $row =~ /^$/ ) { # First time line /* --------------- xxxx appears set the flag to 0 # From there print job definition. if ( $row =~ m*\s+-----------------\s+.*\s+-----------------\s+.*/> ) { if ( $flagFirstJob == 1 ) { $flagFirstJob = 0; } else { print $fh_csv "@job\n"; @job = (); } # if line is insert job is a spcial case as it has 2 fields } elsif ( $row =~ m/\s*.*insert_job: (.*)\sjob_type: (.*)/ ) { $job[0] = $1; $job[1] = $2; } else { #my ($key, $value) = split /\s:/,$row; $row =~ /\s*(.*?): (.*)/; my $key = $1; my $value = $2; if ( ! exists $header{$key} ) { $header{$key} = $index; $job[$index] = $value; $index++; } else { $job[ $header{ $key } ] = $value; } } # reach EOF if ( eof == 1 ) { print $fh_csv "@job\n"; } } } while ( $row = <$fh> ); print $fh_csv "@job\n";