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Insertar un job solo si el owner no es root.

AutoSys deja programar una librería para forzar ciertos estándares. en este caso para forzar que un job no se pueda crear/modificar con el owner root a través del WCC/jil/SDK.
El script es una modificación de un ejemplo de la web de broadcom. He decidido no comentarlo ya que no soy un programador de C y no quiero dar información falsa en los comentarios del script por desconocimiento. Aunque podeís mandarme un correo con alguna duda.

Paso 1: Crear el fichero description.c

#include #include #include "autoextvj.h" /* Function: AUTOEXTVJ_ValidateJob Description: User defined function which contains the custom job validation routine. Job attributes may be modified to satisfy any custom criteria prior to final validation by AutoSys. In: pJobInfo - pointer to the AUTOEXTVJ_JOBINFO structre containing useful read-only information about the current job. In/Out: pJil - pJil points to a list which contains the modifiable job attribute data. The custom routine may update/add/delete any fields as it deems necessary to satisfy any custom job criteria. The following helper APIs are available to traverse the list and add/update/delete nodes: * pfnGetFirstJilKeyVal -- returns a pointer to the first keyword/value node in the list or returns NULL if error. * pfnGetNextJilKeyVal -- returns a pointer to the next node in the keyword/value list or returns NULL if error. * pfnGetPreviousJilKeyVal -- returns a pointer to the previous node in the keyword/value list or returns NULL if error. * pfnAddJilKeyVal -- add a node to the end of the list. Accepts any node in the list, then traverses to the end of the list and adds a new node. Copies the passed keyword/value pair into the new node and returns a pointer to the added node. * pfnDeleteJilKeyVal -- deletes the passed in node. Returns 1 if successful, or 0 if unsuccessful. * pfnUpdateJilVal -- updates the value of the passed in node. Returns 1 if successful, or 0 if unsuccessful. * pfnGetJilKeyword -- returns the jil keyword for the passed in node or returns NULL if error. * pfnGetJilValue -- returns the jil value for the passed in node or returns NULL if error. * pfnFindJilKeyVal -- returns a pointer to the node that contains the passed in keyword. If the keyword is not found, a NULL pointer is returned. ppReturnMsg - pointer to a character byte-array that will be stuffed with any meaningful message that the custom routine wishes to be displayed should the job fail or is modified to satisfy custom job criteria. Returns: AUTOEXTVJ_VALIDATED - Indicates that the job satisfies custom criteria as-is without modifying any fields AUTOEXTVJ_DENIED - Indicates that the job does not satisfy the custom criteria and must be rejected by AutoSys AUTOEXTVJ_MODIFIED - Indicates that the job passed custom criteria after modifications. NOTE: If AUTOEXTVJ_VALIDATED is returned and any modifications are made to any of the job fields, AutoSys will automatically ignore any modifications (AUTOEXTVJ_MODIFIED should be returned). All job field modifications are subject to the native AutoSys job validation criteria. */ #define AUTOSYS_USER "root" AUTOEXTVJ_RET AUTOEXTVJ_ValidateJob(AUTOEXTVJ_JILKEYVAL *pJob, AUTOEXTVJ_JOBINFO *pJobInfo, AUTOEXTVJ_CALLBACK_ROUTINES Callbacks, AUTOEXTVJ_MSG *ppReturnMsg) { PAUTOEXTVJ_JILKEYVAL pJilKvOw = NULL; pJilKvOw = Callbacks.pfnFindJilKeyVal(pJob, "owner"); if (strcmp(pJilKvOw->pValue, AUTOSYS_USER) == 0 ) { strcat(*ppReturnMsg,"Job owner is root"); fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", *ppReturnMsg); return AUTOEXTVJ_DENIED; } else { strcat(*ppReturnMsg,"Job owner is not root"); fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", *ppReturnMsg); return AUTOEXTVJ_VALIDATED; } }

Paso 2: Compilar el fichero c

gcc -c -fPIC description.c -o autoextvj.o

gcc -shared -o libautoextvj.so autoextvj.o

Paso 3: Copiar libautoextvj.so a $AUTOSYS/lib

cp libautoextvj.so $AUTOSYS/lib

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